About Me

I’m Rukiye, born in 1988. I live in Denmark close to Copenhagen in an old city called Køge. My parents are Turkish but I was born and raised in Denmark so I’m a native speaker of both Turkish and Danish. I do also speak English fluently while my abilities in German and Korean is still developing.
My interest for Korea started back in 2002 during the world cup but it was only a small interest back then. Around 2007/2008 I started to grow a huge interest in the country and it’s people but I have to admit that the music has been the main reason at first. I started studying Landscape Architecture back in 2008 while my interest for Korea was growing. My interest got rooted in my own culture and I started to see similarities between Korean and Turkish people which made me understand that Korea was a country I wanted to visit and  maybe live in, in the future. I got my bachelor degree in Landscape Architecture in summer 2011 and decided to apply for the university once again in summer 2012. I wanted to study Korean so I applied for the Korean Studies at the University of Copenhagen and got accepted. Short after my acceptance to the university my blog My Korean Diary was born. I wanted to share my experiences and frustrations about studying Korean language, history and culture. 
During my exchange stay at Ewha Womans Univesity I started to do recordings and edited videos from Seoul and soon this sub-blog was born. The purpose of this sub-blog is to show different cultural and touristy videos of South Korea from my own perspective. 
Academical CV
  • 2008 – 2011: Bachelor in Landscape Architecture – University of Copenhagen
  • 2012 – 2016:  Bachelor in Korean Studies – University of Copenhagen
  • 2013 – 2014: Exchange stay at Ewha Womans University – Seoul, South Korea

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